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Who to Protect

It had been four days since the breakup, six days since Sophie told me, desperately looking for advice, two days since Justin found out I knew beforehand and didn’t tell him. I’d been feeling guilty for leaving Sophie all alone, she acts tough but I know she’s hurting. But I had to talk to Josh, he’s my best friend and she did this to him. Even though Sophie is my sister, part of her must know she was wrong and she hurt Justin. He needs my help more than she does. She’ll be fine.

I’m laughing and joking with Justin, talking about unimportant events just to keep his mind off of Sophie. We were looking for a table to chill at when I pass Group Study Room C. I turn to look to see if it’s occupied only to see Sophie, working with color-coded pens in rainbow order, only proving once again the nerdiness within her. I was about to make a joke about it when I remembered whom I was with. I had to get Justin out of there before he sees her. I immediately change directions and push Justin away as fast as possible, hoping she didn’t see us.

Maybe she was too caught up in her work? Oh, who am I kidding that girl sees everything. Maybe she won’t talk about it. Ha. You know Sophie says what’s on her mind no matter whom or what’s at stake… All I have to do is avoid her until she forgets about it. Shouldn’t be too hard, she’s always in her room or the library and her memory only lasts 24 hours. This should be easy.

On my way to science, I see Sophie marching toward me with hurt, anger, and confusion in her eyes.

Shit. She saw.

“What the hell was that?” she demands, hand on hip, head cocked to the side. Sophie’s “try me” pose.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I respond, trying to play it cool.

Really, couldn’t have come up with a better story than that?!? Oh well, gotta stick to it now.

“I saw you run away from me. Why?” Sophie inquires, not willing to stop until she gets her answers.

“Because I wasn’t there.” I say, looking for anyone else to talk to.

“I know he was with you. Why were you hiding him?”

“He wasn’t there. That was Alex.”

“Stop lying to me. I know it was him.”

Ya gotta be mean to her. It’s the only way she’ll leave.

“Get out of my face. Your voice is starting to annoy me.” I snap, desperate for a way out of this conversation.

“Fine. Whatever. Be rude.” she says curtly, holding back tears.

Dammit. Why does she have to be so sensitive? I’m gonna pay for that later. At least that’s the last time Sophie will be in Main for today. Crisis averted.

For some unknown reason, today is the day Sophie decided to come out of her cave and into Main. I’m chilling with Jacob and Ryan when I see her; smoke practically coming out of her ears.

“Can we talk? Now,” Sophie strains, clearly using the majority of her self-control to not strangle me on the spot. Not that it would’ve done her any good.

“Whatever,” I sigh, and get up to follow her to the Rotunda.

Hopefully it won’t be as bad as I think it’ll be…

“I don’t know what your problem is, but I need to know why you’re taking his side. He broke up with me remember? So could you please stop treating me like I’m the bitch?” Sophie barks, on the verge of tears.

Nope. It’s worse… Rip it off like a Band-Aid, she needs to know how he feels or she’ll just keep holding out hope.

“Please. You know what you did. And you know that your actions caused him to dump you, so don’t play innocent. You deserve to be treated like this. Sophie, I love you, but Justin is my best friend, and you treated him like shit. You lied to him for weeks, what did you think would happen?”

“I lied to just about everyone for years if you want to look at it that way. I wasn’t ready to tell anyone. What made him any different? I just thought you of all people would understand.”

“I understand that lying to the people you care about is wrong. And he’s really hurt about it.”

“He’s hurt?!?! He dumped me for telling the truth. If anyone should be mad it should be me.”

“Please, you caused all the problems. Didn’t you know? Hell hath no fury like a lover scorned.”

“It’s woman scorned.”

Really? Must you always be right?

“Whatever. For now, just stay away from Justin. And from me.”

That should keep her away for a while. At least long enough for me to figure out if she has a chance of winning him back.

PC: Naomy Pedroza

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